Thursday, April 2, 2009

Update, Contributing Artists as of April 2nd, 2009

Jon Cuyson, Second Hand, Georgia Sagri, Matteo Norzi and Hilario Isola, Ania Diakoff, Diana Artus, Klara Hobza, Ana Prvački and Boško Bošković, Filip Gilissen, Olivier Babin

Sunday March 29th: Olivier Babin

Initial conversation and throw the dice. Olivier Babin proposes to get a sponsoring of free Amstel beer for Exhibition, in exchange he will use Amstel in his piece, a painted writing on the wall in Exhbition: "Amstel, Amstel Jennifer from the block". The idea came to him at the last opening of Exhbition, there was no beer and he was thirsty. Amstel, Amstel, I'm stil I'm still, Jennifer (Lopez I believe, I have to ask him again) from the block. He will make his intervention on Tuesday March 31st. His intervention in the space can dissappear any time a new artists works. He will inform us about the state of negotiations with Amstel Beer. Good luck!
Also 'I don't want your dice, I brought my own dice from the Jurassic Museum in LA, they are two dice, that are actualy erasers. "Let's exchange these dice for your dice". Deal. We have no longer our dice

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