Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Update, Contributing Artists as of April 7th, 2009

Jon Cuyson, Second Hand, Georgia Sagri, Matteo Norzi and Hilario Isola, Ania Diakoff, Diana Artus, Klara Hobza, Ana Prvački and Boško Bošković, Filip Gilissen, Olivier Babin, Trong Gia Gnuyen

April 1st-April 4th: Trong Gia Gnuyen

Initiation, conversation and dice throwing with Trong Gia Gnuyen. His intervention is taking place in area of the space where 4 artists intervened before Second Hand, Diana Artus, Filip Gillisen, and Olivier Babin. He decides to work with 'divinity', toilets, graffiti, beer, and gets everybody's work engaged in his piece. Thank you Trong.

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